Based in Australia, Nu Scientific distributes a diverse range of spectroscopy, radiation monitoring and measuring equipment, across Australia and New Zealand.
Who we represent
Nu Scientific distributes for Mirion /CANBERRA spectroscopy products, FAST ComTec, mesytec and iseg. We also represent Brightspec, Tetracore and WIENER, along with SARAD for Radon Thoron Monitoring Equipment.
Product solutions
and expertise
Chat to us about our extensive and diverse range of radiation monitoring and measuring equipment. We understand the importance of delivering comprehensive solutions to many of your important challenges, and providing fast responses to the ever-changing world.
Nu Scientific offers expertise in the areas of radiation protection, measurement and detection, across a variety of applications including:
Alpha, beta and gamma spectroscopy
Alpha, beta and gamma detection equipment
Fluorescence decay studies
High-resolution TOF mass spectrometry
Laser-induced photo-electron spectrometry to analyse the electronic state of gas and solid state samples
Single molecule counting
Single photon counting
X-ray spectroscopy
Service and support
We pride ourselves on providing our customers with the highest standard of service, and offer support to assist with on-site repairs, product maintenance and technical assistance.
We can also assist with information about counting techniques, applications and technical literature. Visit our Learning Hub for a selection of educational resources related to our product solutions and applications.